Gorilla Voltage are comprised of Mr. Grey and Clockwork who’s initial offering was the Damn Dirty Apes CD and ultimately secured their spot amongst MNE’s roster of amazing talent. This is that album reprised, repressed, and repackaged for those of you who missed out on it the first time years ago. Get this album packed with hits that are still perfomored by Gorilla Voltage on stage to this day!! Who knows maybe you can even get it autographed by them on the Dead Like Me Tour going out this spring 2018!!
Artist: Gorilla Volage
Title: Damn Dirty Apes
Track list:
- The Rise ft. Tony D
- The Damn Dirty Apes
- Ape Shit
- Pussy Magnet
- Ghost Town
- Legend In The Flesh ft. Kung Fu Vampire
- Forced My Hand ft. The Flatlinerz and Joe Cutter
- Eye of the Storm ft. Dot Bundini
- P.W.C. Blues
- Happy Song
- Scream for Me
- Mosh Pit
- Numbnut
- Rap Game Goliath
- Heaven Can Fall
- Like A Bird ft. Dot Bundini
- Megaphone
- Apeocalypse